Author Archives: Bernard Vrijens

How AARDEX Group’s Medication Adherence Technology Helped Iroko Gain FDA Approval

Proving the efficacy of investigational products is a complex process but with the right Medication Adherence Technology, sponsors can generate the evidence that they need to get drugs from labs to life, faster. Unmet Medical Need Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) … Read More

Pfizer Acknowledges the Need for Better Medication Adherence in Clinical Trials

Drug giant, Pfizer has highlighted the need for effective, patient-centered medication adherence management in clinical trials. Nothing stops a drug from working more than not taking it, but, as medicine and leadership pioneer and Pfizer’s Chief Medical Officer, said, non-adherence … Read More

AARDEX Group and BIOCORP Recruited by Trials@Home – Decentralized Trial Centre of Excellence

Combining BIOCORP’s pen injector add-on with AARDEX® Group’s Software to improve adherence to medication in a Hybrid Phase IV Diabetes Study. Liege, Belgium – July 19, 2022: Following the launch of their global collaboration to support medication adherence in different fields last … Read More

Electronic Medication Monitoring

ESPACOMP Backs Electronic Medication Monitoring as “Method of Choice” for Quantifying Medication Adherence in Clinical Trials

Effectively measuring medication adherence relies on selecting the most appropriate data source – and for clinical trials, that data source is electronic medication monitoring. The TEOS (timelines-events-objectives-source) guideline provides a clear framework on how to assess medicine-taking behavior relative to … Read More

Patient Adherence Behaviors

Why Patient Adherence Behaviours Should Be Common Knowledge in Clinical Trials

Realizing the potential of the revolution in cancer treatment depends on ensuring researchers, regulators, and clinicians have access to all the information they need to develop, approve, and prescribe new drugs – including patient adherence data. Nothing stops a drug … Read More

Smart Caps Improve Patient Adherence

Smart Caps Improve Medication Adherence in Clinical Trials – It’s a Fact!

Poor medication adherence is a problem that has gone “unsolved” for decades. But combining smart caps with individualized feedback can drive the adherence that proves the investigational product efficacy and underwrites approvals. In this case study, we set out the … Read More

Measure Medication Adherence

High Fidelity Measurement of Patients’ Medication Adherence: A Missing Link in Precision Medicine

The emergence of pharmacogenomics is an important milestone in the precision medicine journey – but the importance of measuring medicine adherence, an essential component in the complex pharmacokinetics/ pharmacodynamics equation, can often be overlooked. In this article, Bernard Vrijens, CEO … Read More

May 2022 News

Clincal Trials and Tribulations Newsletter – May 2022 Edition

Welcome to the May edition of AARDEX Group’s Clinical Trials and Tribulations Newsletter – an aggregated collective of all of the industry’s hottest news and views!  Breaking News New Pivotal Data Demonstrates the Clinical Benefit of Roche’s glofitamab, a Potential … Read More

Poor Patient Adherence

In a world of outcome-based pricing, can you afford to neglect patient adherence? 

The emergence of outcome-based contracts in clinical research has placed an additional consideration on the already thorny issue of adherence. When drug companies are paid according to the real-world effectiveness of their products, ensuring people take the medications as prescribed … Read More

Adherence to Medication

Adherence to Medication: The Missing Piece in the Pharmacogenomics Puzzle

If enacted, the US’ Right Drug Dose Now Act will place pharmacogenomics on the main stage of drug development and move us further into the personalized medicine era. By supporting the use of pharmacogenetic testing to prevent adverse events (AEs) … Read More