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Meet the Team

AARDEX Group Exec Team

With over a century of collective experience, the team at AARDEX Group is expertly equipped to revolutionize the measurement of medication adherence in clinical trials. Our team comprises industry experts dedicated to advancing the field of medication adherence through cutting-edge technologies and innovative approaches. They are passionate about improving patient outcomes and strive to develop solutions tailored to meet each study's unique needs. Our team's tireless efforts are driven by a commitment to excellence and innovation, ensuring we continue to set the gold standard for medication adherence measurement in clinical trials. We are proud to have such a dedicated and experienced team working to support our clients.

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AARDEX Group Exec Team


As CEO and Scientific Lead, his expertise and ingenuity are indispensable to the success of the company. A distinguished graduate from Ghent University, Belgium, with a PhD in Applied Mathematics and Informatics, Dr. Vrijens has pioneered a research program focused on a simple but robust taxonomy of common dosing errors, along with exploring optimal measurement-guided medication management that can drive adherence and maintain long-term persistence. With over 100 peer-reviewed scientific papers and six patents to his name, Dr. Vrijens is also a founding member of the International Society for Medication Adherence (ESPACOMP) and an active contributor to several EU and US-funded collaborative projects, cementing his status as a leading authority in the field.

David Dalla Vecchia


David Dalla Vecchia is an experienced business leader with advanced degrees in Electrical & Electronic Engineering and Innovation Management. As the CEO and Financial Lead at AARDEX Group, he drives the company’s growth and success. In addition to his work at AARDEX Group, David has mentored and supported over 30 start-ups and spin-offs in the engineering science field, providing valuable guidance on strategy, fundraising, sales, marketing, and more. His passion for supporting emerging entrepreneurs and his technical expertise have earned him a reputation as a dedicated and effective mentor in the MedTech and electronics industries.

Eric Tousset


Meet Eric Tousset – the Operational Lead at AARDEX Group, driving cutting-edge adherence monitoring systems for drug development and medical practice development and implementation. With his keen eye for detail and unparalleled technical prowess, Eric is an integral part of the team responsible for revolutionizing medication adherence. But his expertise doesn’t stop there – Eric is also a master of modeling the rich data collected by these systems, unlocking valuable insights that have the potential to transform the landscape of healthcare as we know it. With his passion for innovation and unwavering commitment to excellence, Eric Tousset is a force to be reckoned with in the world of medication adherence.


As a seasoned software developer, Jean-Michel’s journey has involved diverse business sectors. In the 90s, he stumbled upon a game-changing innovation- smart packages for medication management. Riding the wave of this nascent technology, Jean-Michel collaborated with industry pioneers to craft innovative software solutions that addressed the pervasive issue of adherence. His visionary approach to constructing our datacenter paved the way for a more holistic approach, and as Quality Manager, he was involved in the pursuit of excellence. Today, as Product officer, Jean-Michel leverages his prowess in software development, IT, and quality to create unparalleled solutions for customers, aiding them in unlocking the full potential of their treatments.


Mitigating the Risk of Poor Adherence in Trials

Watch this live recording with adherence experts from Merck & Biogen to learn about their approach to mitigating the risk of poor adherence in trials.

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Featured Adherence Content

We are thrilled to feature expert insights from Bernard Vrijens, a world-renowned expert on medication adherence. Taking medication as prescribed is crucial to achieving optimal health outcomes, yet non-adherence is a prevalent issue. Bernard Vrijens' extensive research and experience in the field provide invaluable insights into the factors that contribute to medication non-adherence and effective strategies to address them. His contributions to our medication adherence blog offer actionable advice and evidence-based recommendations to improve medication adherence and ultimately, patient outcomes.

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