AARDEX Group announces successful management buyout

FEB-2018 : The Belgian-Swiss company AARDEX Group has announced the completion

FEB-2018 : The Belgian-Swiss company AARDEX Group has announced the completion of a management buyout (MBO) from owner WestRock for all activities covering Medication Event Monitoring System (MEMS®) -enabled solutions.

These solutions measure and manage patients’ adherence to prescribed medications, and AARDEX will continue to collaborate with WestRock’s Multi Packaging Solutions on connected health platforms, where both companies offer tremendous customer value.

CEO Bernard Vrijens indicates this move will also allow the Belgian-Swiss company to expand its existing services in connected health.

The MBO guarantees both continuity and new development opportunities in connected health for the company, which has operated since 1989. All team members remain with the business and are committed to this new promising future, every commercial agreement is continued, and long-term collaboration with the former parent company, WestRock, will be sustained.

“WestRock’s Multi Packaging Solutions, the industry leader in adherence packaging, will continue to leverage AARDEX analytical capabilities. “This will allow us to provide a ‘monitor, measure, and analysis’ approach to adherence in conjunction with our market leading calendar-blister adherence platform, Dosepak®”, said David Dwyer, WestRock’s vice president of global marketing for adherence packaging.

MEMS® is AARDEX’s leading family of smart solutions that, combined with medAmigoTM cloud-based analytical platform, provide reliable measures and sound analysis of individual patient drug dosing histories. Those capabilities are the key to successful management of patient adherence, leading to long term persistence with treatments.

Advanced Analytical Research on Drug Exposure (AARDEX), is the pioneer and leader for nearly 30 years in applications designed to measure, analyze, and manage patient adherence in clinical drug trials, resulting in the largest data/knowledge warehouse that can be used for modeling and simulations. MEMS® has been used successfully to monitor medication adherence in about one million patients across 70 countries.

Vrijens adds: “As of today, the use of AARDEX products and services have been published in 769 peer-reviewed papers, which have been cited over 65’000 times. A major contribution to adherence-related sciences!”

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