NOV-2018 : Bernard Vrijens, CEO of AARDEX, is an invited speaker at the 2nd value added medicines conference, Brussels, November 21, 2018
This event is organized by Medicines for Europe about ” an innovative approach for patients’ future”.

NOV-2018 : Bernard Vrijens, CEO of AARDEX, is an invited speaker at the 2nd value added medicines conference, Brussels, November 21, 2018
This event is organized by Medicines for Europe about ” an innovative approach for patients’ future”.
WHO cares. It’s now time you did The old adage tells us not to fix things the things that aren’t broken. Logic suggests, therefore, that wherever we do see a fix being applied, we can safely assume things aren’t working
When a high-profile authority in the medical world such as the World Health Organization’s publishes guidelines governing best practice in clinical trials, the sector takes note. Reading the guidelines, many will have welcomed WHO’s aims to “reform, improve and streamline”