Author Archives: Oksana Pidmogylna

Press Release

AARDEX Group and Compliance Meds Technologies sign collaboration agreement

AARDEX Group, the global leader in medication adherence solutions, has today announced a collaboration agreement with Compliance Meds Technologies (CMT), a mobile-health technology solutions provider. In this cooperation, the partners will combine the AARDEX MEMS® Adherence Software with CMT’s CleverCap® … Read More

Medication Adherence in Chronic Disease Management

Innovative Approaches to Enhance and Measure Medication Adherence in Chronic Disease Management

Medication adherence is a vital component in managing chronic diseases effectively. However, it remains a significant challenge, with non-adherence rates reaching up to 50% among patients. This lack of adherence results in poor health outcomes and increased burdens on healthcare … Read More

Is the data from randomised clinical trials random to the point of pointless?

In a recent paper titled ‘The impacts of undetected nonadherence in phase II, III and post-marketing clinical trials: An overview’ the authors detailed the findings of a research project which aimed to provide an overview of the consequences of unrecognized … Read More