New MEMS® 8 technology, the precision of a Swiss watch

AUG-2018 : The new MEMS® 8 technology has a precision comparable

AUG-2018 : The new MEMS® 8 technology has a precision comparable to the most famous Swiss quartz watches (almost perfect precision with a variation of only a few seconds per month).

The new MEMS® 8 technology has a precision comparable to the most famous Swiss quartz watches (almost perfect precision with a variation of only a few seconds per month)..

The total time variation measured in lab over a period exceeding 5 years is at a level far below the Swiss watch industry tolerance.

The largest time deviation measured after 5 years corresponds to a daily deviation of less than 0,15 seconds.

MEMS, medAmigo and AARDEX are AARDEX Group registered mark

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