The fallacy of pill count: evidences of pill dumping in HIV infected adolescents in Zimbabwe

NOV-2017 : Frequently, poor-responders with high pill count adherence are dumping

NOV-2017 : Frequently, poor-responders with high pill count adherence are dumping their pills. This bias happens across the board… even in a low resource settings as HIV in Zimbabwe. Great work using the MEMS® back in 2015! Was it on your radar?

The fallacy of pill count: evidences of pill dumping in HIV infected adolescents in Zimbabwe

We walk the talk

In a 2015 study 44% of the HIV infected adolescents receiving a boosted protease inhibitor treatment had their viral load uncontrolled. When the adherence was measured using pill count the average adherence was 100% (range = 93–100%). Without the MEMS reliable and rich adherence measurement, the problem would have been seen as a lack of efficacy requiring therapeutic escalation. In fact, the adherence measured with MEMS showed the real issue, an average adherence level of 41% (range = 3–100%).

By moving the focus to adherence management, the real issues can be addressed. Measure, understand and manage…

  • Measure the real adherence in your population
  • Understand which patients are having which problems
  • Manage the barriers, even the ones that the patients were not aware of, set up goals and review the evaluation on the next visit.

MEMS®, we provide the tools

You make the difference

Reach out to us at MEMS@aardexgroup.site to receive more information about the use of the MEMS® (Medication Event Monitoring System).

Best Regards,

The MEMS® team

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